Elementary School Teaching :

What is the best way for a 1st grade teacher to maximize an E.L. (English Learner) student's score on their district's test?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog #9: EQ

1. I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ. 

2. "A.", "B.", and "C." does not meet the criteria for the rule of three for a EQ because  it ask the most important factor. Basically stating to name the most important factor to weight loss, securing a conviction, and the best hairstyle to the client to us. These three questions start with "What is the most important factor in…" , and the phrasing(format) of the questions asks to name one thing not several and identify the best out of those. Theses questions do not provide a stance. Basically for these three questions the person will just be reciting facts to provide a "backbone" to their answer but won't argue why it is the best answer out of others that may seem like a good candidate.  "D."  does meet the requirements for the rule of three it gives the person the basis to say how many ways there are to treat chronic pain and explain them and then conclude as to which this person thinks is the best. It also starts with "How can a …" rather than "What is the…".

3.  Working EQ: What is the best way for an elementary school teacher to run a classroom that will maximize the students' successor the coming academic year?

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